Vortrag - "Schnittstelle Design"

Vortrag - "Schnittstelle Design"


Being There: Design and Ethnographic Experience


Tuesday 09 June, 2020 4pm 

In this presentation, Sónia will take the audience on tour. She will start with the ethnographic research developed on the island of La Gomera, as part of her doctoral studies. She will culminate with 'Field Guide', a project funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology Portugal and that seeks to improve environmental literacy amongst children and youths living in the Azores archipelago today. In her examples, Sónia will weave both personal experience and scholarly work to tackle the importance of embodiment and experience in informing our knowledge of the world. With this talk, she aims to discuss with students and staff at Kunstuniversität Linz the importance of critical modes of thinking within Design research and education. 

Bio: Sónia Matos is a lecturer in the School of Design, University of Edinburgh, as well as an Assistant Researcher at LARSyS' Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI), Portugal. She has directed her work towards the use of design-led research approaches to create platforms and experiences that promote new forms of cultural and environmental safeguard and learning. Supervised by Professor Matthew Fuller, she completed her doctoral studies at the Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College. Her project attempted to assert Design's vital role in the safeguard of endangered forms of language. The open educational resource, resulting from her studies, is distributed by the Canarian educational platform Abriendo La Escuela

Sónia has presented her work at the 21st Century research-based programme, Chisenhale Gallery, and at the 'Verbindingen/ Junctions 13' an annual multidisciplinary festival organised by Constant - Association for Art & Media. The peer-reviewed proceedings of the 8th Conference of the International Committee for Design Histories & Design Studies published part of her dissertation as well as the publication Memory in Motion: Archives, Technology and the Social, by Amsterdam University Press.

Amongst other projects, Sónia initiated the 'Designing Food Cultures', partially funded by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, as well as Design and the Environmental Humanities in collaboration with Michelle Bastian. She is currently part of the 'Words in Freedom ' project, developed by Simone Ashby and Julian Hanna, also working at ITI, and leads Field Guide in collaboration with the Azorean Biodiversity Group

We are looking forward to your participation!

the departments Fashion & Technology, Industrial Design and Visuelle Kommunikation


Meeting ID: 822 0322 7420
Password: 7uUjFp

Design Talks 2020

Design Talks 2020

Aufnahmeprüfung 2020

Aufnahmeprüfung 2020