DesignTalks: Michael Shamiyeh
What Really Matters in Creating Desired Futures
9. November 2021, 18.30 Uhr
Hauptplatz 6 / 3. Stock / Seminarraum 1
In his talk, Michael will show that the real challenge in creating a desired future is not so much to invent something new, such as a new technology or product, but to bring about the necessary change in the way we think about, create and use the new.
Professor Michael Shamiyeh works with organizations to create new and meaningful futures (rather than fixing past problems). He combines the client’s unique business experience, analytical rigor, and the output of creative collisions (the clash of multiple perspectives to reframe habitual thinking) to transform insight into impact. He is professor, founder, and head of the Center for Future Design (CFD)—an academic institution for research, education and consulting in the field of futures literacy. Michael also holds the UNESCO Chair in Anticipatory Techniques and Future Design, is a partner of the International Center for Corporate Governance (ICFCG) at the University of St. Gallen, CH, and was a Visiting Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering (CDR) at Stanford University, USA, from 2017-2020. He has also been a member of the voestalpine Advisory Board since 2020. Michael holds degrees from the University of St. Gallen (PhD in Management), Harvard University (post-professional Master’s in Architecture), AA London (MA History and Critical Thinking), and the Technical University of Vienna (Dipl-Ing in Architecture & Engineering).
Einlass ab 18.00h unter Vorweis des 3G-Nachweises und mit Tragen von FFP2-Maske.
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